Welcome to the historical archives of the Alumni Associations of Bryan College of Health Sciences, BryanLGH College of Health Sciences, Bryan School of Nursing, Bryan Memorial Hospital School of Nursing, and Lincoln General Hospital School of Nursing. This collection includes photographs, scrapbooks, yearbooks and other ephemera from the Bryan College of Health Sciences Alumni Association and its predecessors.
Rights: The Bryan College of Health Sciences Library is providing access to these materials for the purpose of research and personal use and makes no guarantees with regard to their use for other purposes. The Bryan College of Health Sciences Library encourages use of these materials for genealogy, research and personal enjoyment. Feel free to download these images for your family tree, student paper, or just for fun. Our written permission, or that of other possible rights holders (including publicity and/or privacy rights), is required for all other uses, including but not limited to modification of materials for artistic purposes. Responsibility for making an independent legal assessment of an item and securing any necessary permissions ultimately rests with persons desiring to use the item for any purposes other than those stated above.
Contributions: All contributions are considered a gift to the Bryan College of Health Sciences Library and the contributor dedicates the items to the public domain for free public use. The contributor states that, to the best of the contributor’s knowledge, the contributor owns the physical property in the contribution, free and clear of any liens, and the contributor has the full right, power and authority to transfer the contribution to the Bryan College of Health Sciences Library.